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  • 残疾支持
  • 住宿信息
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  • 自我认同
  • 残疾的资源

江南体育接受能够从事大学水平学习并符合入学标准的学生. 江南体育 provides students with disabilities reasonable accommodations to give these individuals equal access to academic programs and the university experience. It is the student's prerogative to reveal the disability during the admission process; however, 了解这种残疾将不会影响录取决定. Extended-time SAT and ACT tests will be accepted for students with a documented disability that would make testing in this manner a necessity.

LeTourneau大学没有针对残疾学生的专门学术课程. 适当的学术支持, 法律认为合理和必要的, will be provided to the students with documented disabilities that have been accepted according to the school's admission criteria. 所有学生都必须明白,莱图诺的学术标准是严格的. 江南体育 will not lower academic program requirements or make any modifications that would alter the nature of the educational program.


在申请入读莱图诺大学时, 残疾学生应该了解入学标准. 对于有兴趣进入理大学习的残疾学生,也适用标准的录取标准. 延长时间的SAT和ACT考试将被接受. 学生可以选择在入学申请中自我披露残疾. 如果自我披露,残疾将不被纳入录取决定.


适当的学术支持, 法律认为合理和必要的, will be provided to students with documented disabilities that have been accepted according to the University's admissions criteria. LETU has no specific programs for students with disabilities; however, the University provides students with disabilities reasonable accommodations in order to provide all students equal access to academic programs and the university experience. 大学无法降低课程要求, 提供个体化监督, or make modifications or substitute courses if the modification or substitution would fundamentally alter the nature of the educational program. 此外,获得学位所必需的要求也不能免除.


所有财政援助,包括联邦, 状态, or private grants; scholarships; and loans will be administered without discrimination to all students, 不论残疾与否, 谁被江南体育录取了. 给所有乐大学生, the amount of financial aid awarded is affected by a reduced course load; students with disabilities who choose a reduced course load should be aware that financial aid is affected.


Students with disabilities are encouraged to self-identify after admission and provide required documentation to the Director of Student Achievement. Students enrolled in an institution of higher education are required to self-identify if they would like to request academic support services on the basis of a disability. 需要调整设施的学生必须通知学生成就主任.


Students are required to provide documentation of a disability to the Director of Student Achievement prior to the provision of academic support services or facility adjustments. 文件必须不超过三年. 因医疗原因导致行动不便的, 感觉, 健康, 或者身体上的限制, 完整的医疗报告和医生的正式诊断是必要的. The deadline for providing documentation is 60 days prior to the beginning of the initial semester to allow time to provide adequate coordination of service. A student who wishes to identify himself or herself as having a disability must provide documentation of the disability and complete an 住宿申请及同意表格.

在学习或心理障碍的情况下, acceptable documentation includes a psychoeducational evaluation and formal diagnosis performed by a licensed therapist who specializes in learning disabilities. The evaluation must delineate the nature of the student's learning problem and describe any factors that entitle the student to academic support services.

每次评估必须包括对广义认知功能的评估.g. WAIS R测试), 特定的认知加工(讨论视觉空间能力), 听觉和视觉记忆, 精细运动能力, 执行功能, 和选择性注意), 口语能力, 成就水平. 所有分数必须报告并解释. The physical or psychoeducational evaluations must also explain how the student's ability to perform routine school tasks is affected by the disability and recommend modifications that would be reasonable and necessary at LETU.


在向学生成就主任提供适当的文件后, accommodations will be determined on an individual basis dependent upon documented need for services and the University's assessment of the individual's need as related to the chosen academic program. 这些服务可能包括与教员的联络, 提升自我宣传技巧, 确保适当的教室设施. 所有LETU学生都可以获得学习技巧咨询和一些辅导. 应学生的要求,并在收到签署的同意书后, 学生成就主任将通知适当的教师推荐的具体住宿. 然后,学生将与导师会面讨论住宿问题. Students must update their requests for accommodations each semester by completing and returning the update form to the Director of Student Achievement prior to the start of each semester. 合理的安排包括一定程度的共同责任, 合作, 以及教师之间的交流, 工作人员, 为保证学生的学术诚信,为残疾学生提供平等的受教育机会. 最终, 如果调整工作不顺利,学生有责任通知学生成就主任.



A qualified professional with training and experience relevant to the diagnosed disability must complete the documentation provided. Physical disabilities are most often verified by physicians -- psychological and emotional disabilities by psychologists or psychiatrists, 以及心理学家或教育诊断学家的学习障碍. 这个专业人员应该是一个公正的人,不是学生的家庭成员.




The provision of all reasonable accommodations and services is based upon assessment of the impact of the student's disabilities on his or her academic performance at a given time in a student's life. 因此, it is in the student's best interest to provide recent and appropriate documentation relevant to the student's learning environment. 对于那些可能随着时间发生重大变化的残疾, 比如学习障碍或心理障碍, 评估应该是最近的. 为了证明目前的影响,残疾和确定适当的住宿, 需要三年内的学习障碍证明文件, 而心理残疾的记录可能需要更近一些. 其他残疾人士, 如果诊断不受成熟的影响,可以考虑超过三年的文件, 时间或应对策略.

学生成就主任可能要求提供额外信息或更新评估, 由学生承担费用, 如有必要,作出有关资格或适当住宿的决定. 学生成就主任不进行残疾评估,但可能会将学生介绍给 合格的校外专业人才 谁做的.


所有文件必须以书面形式提交. 该文件应在专业人士的信纸上提交,并注明日期和签名. 文档必须全面, 包括(适当时)历史, 诊断访谈, 考试成绩(包括标准化考试成绩), 鉴别诊断和学生功能限制的细节. 优点、缺点和不足应该具体讨论. 清晰的赤字区域文件是必要的,以便学院提供适当的住宿.


Professionals supplying documentation must specify what accommodations are being requested and how the lack of these accommodations would substantially limit one or more major life activity of the student.


残疾文件和建议的住宿可以提交给学生成就主任. 文件可通过电子邮件发送至 ada@shi-bumi.com 或传真到903-233-4401,由Vernessa Gentry收.

Students enrolled at 江南体育 are required to self-identify if they would like to request accommodations from the 成就中心. Students with a diagnosed disability are encouraged to self-identify after admission and provide proper documentation to the Director of Student Achievement. 通过这一过程的自我认同和利用适当的学术和设施加强, 帮助学生取得成功是这个办公室的目标.

合理的安排包括一定程度的共同责任, 教员之间的合作与交流, 工作人员 为保证学生的学术诚信,为残疾学生提供平等的受教育机会.

最终, it is the student's responsibility to inform the Director of Student Achievement if any adjustments that have been made are not working well. It is also expected that at the beginning of each semester the student will again inform the Director of the continued need for accommodations or if any approved modifications need to be made.

下面列出了一些可用于测试某些残疾的资源. LeTourneau大学既不提供测试也不推荐任何人. 这个列表仅仅是一个尝试,提供一个可能的起点,为您江南体育合格的专家在给定的领域. 这份名单上有一些当地医生的名字, 一家位于普莱诺的诊断中心, 德州, 还有几个网站可能会有所帮助. 需要你方进一步调查以确定成本, 专业领域和其他有助于你做决定的因素.


  • Dr. 查尔斯·弗里斯-泰勒,德克萨斯州903-526-5550
  • Dr. Barbara Modisette - Longview, 德州 903-738-4377
  • SMU教育与人类发展学院,德克萨斯州普莱诺214-768-7323


  • 德州学习障碍协会 - ldatx.org
  • 全国精神疾病联盟(NAMI) - www.奈美.org
  • 国家心理健康信息中心 - www.心理健康.政府
    关于各种心理健康主题的信息, 预防自杀资讯及心理健康相关连结.
  • 德州卫生与公众服务委员会 - 美国卫生和公众服务部.德州.政府
    指定机构的监督, 例如康复服务部(DARS)和卫生与人类服务委员会(HHSC). 该网站还包含有关德克萨斯州医疗补助计划的信息.
  • 网上社会保障 - www.ssa.政府
    获取有关社会保障福利的信息和申请的联邦网站, 包括残疾和医疗保险.